Secrets of a Clickable Headline: Push.House Tips
Before a user learns about the offer itself and clicks on the ad, they encounter the creative. The success of the entire advertising campaign depends on how relevant the images and clickable headline in this creative will be. In this article, we will detail how to create headlines that contribute to increased conversions and achieving maximum profit in Push.House.
The creative examples provided in this article were taken from the free ad monitoring service Spy.House. Spy.House allows you to find current creatives from your competitors and, if necessary, customize them before launching your own advertising campaigns.
Why the Headline Matters
Considering that on average, our brain processes about 200 words per minute, and the length of a standard headline is 5-6 words, it turns out that a user needs just a couple of seconds to get acquainted with an ad. That’s why in today’s world of competing for user attention, the likelihood of clicking on an ad creative is determined within a few seconds, during which a potential customer decides how interested they are in the information presented.
When creating push notifications, the headline plays a crucial role. Good headlines increase CTR and motivate the audience to click, using intrigue, personal experience descriptions, and other methods that impact conversion.
Headline testing is one of the important elements of optimizing your advertising campaign. Read more about this and other optimization methods in our article → How to Optimize an Advertising Campaign in Push.House
The importance of the headline does not depend on the niche chosen for promotion. Regardless of the vertical you are advertising, a well-crafted headline is half, and sometimes even the biggest part, of your creative. Mobile notifications may not even have a main image, being limited to just an icon. To make the most effective use of push notification format, consider the following principles for creating a headline.
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Characteristics of a Clickable Push Headline
Statistics and Values
Most users tend to trust advertisements that contain expert opinions or ratings. When creating the ad headline, use precise numbers, percentages, and statistical indicators that imply research.
Call to Action
This classic approach is widely used by advertisers promoting products from various verticals. When you prepare a headline, draw the user’s attention to the importance of taking immediate action.
Use active verbs and describe clear steps the user should take (click, go, etc.) to increase the likelihood of clicking and converting.
Highlight the benefit the user will receive by taking the desired action and emphasize the urgency of doing it. The illusion of urgency makes the user perceive the offer as unique and encourages them to make a purchase or use a service.
Keywords allow you to showcase the benefits of the offer in addressing specific pain points of the audience. Considering the limited number of words in a push notification headline, using keywords can significantly increase the likelihood of clicking on the ad. Keywords typically consist of popular search queries that your audience frequently uses when searching for the offer. To get a list of keywords, you can use the functionality of services like Yandex Wordstat or Google Trends.
Enter words related to your offer in the search bar of these services. The algorithms of these systems will analyze the frequency of user queries and provide a list of the most popular keywords. You can then use these keywords when creating headlines for push notifications.
Conciseness and Informativeness
The buyer’s task is to use characters wisely, provide maximum information, and maintain simplicity. When creating a headline, strive to present information about the offer simply and avoid complex terms.
Consider the character limit and do not exceed the established boundaries. Remember that the headline should stimulate further action.
Address Directly
Addressing your audience directly is another important principle of creating effective headlines, which is highly effective.
Directly addressing the user in the headline creates a close connection and increases their loyalty. When using this approach, consider the specifics of your audience and your offer. It’s important to find a balance between individual advertising offers and friendliness.
The best conversion rates are often achieved when buyers use this approach with adjectives that add an emotional touch.
Don’t think that intriguing headlines only work in native ad networks. Using intriguing headlines in push notifications is also effective. Creating mystery and the illusion of intrigue increases the likelihood of transitioning to the landing page.
Headlines that include a question attract user attention, creating intrigue and implying the existence of a unique answer or solution. Question headlines spark the audience’s interest, hinting at the opportunity to gain new experience after the user clicks on the push notification.
Negative Headlines
Headlines with a negative undertone can attract almost 30% more clicks than regular ones. This is because most advertising offers are aimed at solving specific problems or pain points of the audience. Users are interested in resolving these pain points and, consequently, respond actively to headlines that address negative user experiences.
People generally trust the experiences of others and are willing to learn from others’ mistakes. You can use someone else’s experience as a tool to solve problems or as a case study to achieve certain goals. In the headline, include elements that indicate the benefit of using the offer, which the user can obtain based on someone else’s or their own experience of using it.
Unfortunately, there is no clear formula for creating a headline that will guarantee attracting customers and ensuring high conversions. However, to increase the likelihood of clicks, follow the principles and approaches described above. It’s also important to study your target audience beforehand to understand which words and constructs may be most effective in your context.
Depending on the vertical, the methods of creating a clickable headline may vary. However, for maximizing profits from an advertising campaign, we recommend using a combination of several approaches. To apply this theoretical knowledge in practice, visit the Push.House website and create a campaign that takes into account the principles of creating clickable headlines. Start your path to profit today.