21 February 2024

White-hat Verticals in Affiliate Marketing: What They Are and How to Advertise Them on Push.House

Hey there! This is Push.House. There is a common misconception that affiliate marketing always involves something illegal. While it’s true that in CPA marketing, there are verticals prohibited from advertising in certain regions, affiliate marketing isn’t limited to them. In our new material, we’ll talk about what white-hat affiliate marketing is, what offers it includes, and how to effectively advertise them through Push.House.

Let’s get started!

White-hat Affiliate Marketing

Let’s start by recalling why white-hat affiliate marketing is called “white-hat.” The thing is, all affiliate marketing verticals can be roughly divided into three categories. Depending on characteristics, legality, and accessibility for advertising:

·      Black-hat – offers deliberately aimed at deceiving users and providing no benefit or value. Black-hat offers are prohibited from advertising on all traffic sources for fraud. The reputation of such offers is extremely negative. Advertisers engaged in advertising such offers are called scammers.

·      Gray-hat – offers with exaggerated characteristics that don’t guarantee profitability or benefit. Most gray-hat offers are prohibited from advertising on most popular traffic sources, but the verticals themselves are in demand among users. Gray-hat verticals include gambling, betting, nutra, and some crypto offers.

·      White-hat – completely legal offers that provide real value. White-hat offers are allowed for advertising on all traffic sources and are in demand among audiences from various GEOs. White-hat offers include some nutra offers, physical goods, financial verticals, and several other less popular but equally profitable niches.

Being a completely legal category in affiliate marketing, white-hat verticals have a number of clear advantages and disadvantages. To get a complete picture and understand all the peculiarities of this direction, let’s consider the pros and cons of white-hat affiliate marketing separately:


·      Wide Variety of Offers. Most of the offers available on the market and open for advertising consist of white-hat verticals. Although successful cases in gambling or betting are more common, white-hat verticals offer a wider range of options. Advertisers have access to a wide range of offers in different niches, from home goods and clothing to dating services and HR offers. This makes advertisers more flexible in terms of offer selection and advertising approaches.

·      Long-term Partnership. Unlike gray-hat verticals, where advertisers need to regularly come up with new approaches, partnerships on white-hat offers can last much longer. A key difference in preparing advertising campaigns for white-hat verticals is creating high-quality advertising materials. Advertisers must also match competitors’ advertising campaigns.

·      Audience Loyalty. When a user purchases a white-hat vertical offer, they know what they’ll get in return. In the case of physical goods, most come with authenticity certificates. Which positively affects user trust and the offer’s credibility.

·      Relevance. White-hat offers are always relevant. They, along with a significant amount of nutra offers, are considered stable in any season and to any audience.


·      Competition. When advertising white-hat verticals, competitors include not only other advertisers but also marketing agencies whose goal is to maximize attention to the offer.

·      Low Payouts. Payouts for successfully advertising white-hat verticals significantly differ from those, for example, offered by affiliate networks for repeat deposits in gambling vertical. It’s worth understanding that significant profit from advertising white-hat offers can only be achieved in the long run. At some point, the quantitative indicator of successful target actions in the advertising campaign will start to grow, automatically affecting the advertiser’s income.

·      More Thorough Preparation of Advertising Campaigns. The target audience for white-hat verticals has a clearer target and boundaries compared to representatives of gray-hat niches. To achieve stable profit and get the most out of advertising, advertisers need to approach the analysis of the target audience and evaluate of triggers influencing target actions more thoroughly.

Let’s delve into each niche to understand which verticals belong to white-hat affiliate marketing.


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Verticals of White-hat Affiliate Marketing

Today, the market offers a wide assortment of offers related to white-hat affiliate marketing. Below, we’ve examined the most popular verticals. Defined their characteristics, and identified the most popular approaches to their advertising among Push.House advertisers.

  • White-hat goods

White-hat goods encompass legal consumer goods.

This vertical includes consumer goods that each of us regularly uses in life. White-hat goods is one of the favorite verticals among many advertisers. The rates for successfully advertising some offers are competitive, attracting the attention of both experienced affiliates and newcomers.

White-hat offers can be divided into two categories:


This refers to classic product speculation. Affiliate networks, offering such offers for advertising, order (and sometimes produce) goods from Chinese factories. They then create an unknown brand and brand all products to quality standards.

The key difference with dropshipping offers is that the advertiser sets the profit amount independently by advertising the product at a price higher than the minimum. The difference is the advertiser’s profit, with the minimum price set by the offer owner.


Alternatively, traditional e-commerce involves advertising online platforms where products can be purchased. In this case, popular international platforms like AliExpress or Amazon, as well as local ones like Ozon or Lazada, can be advertised.

As for payouts, everything is quite standard. The advertiser attracts traffic to the offer, and the offer owner pays a CPA payout.

Real Estate

The Real Estate vertical, or Pay per Call, includes renting or buying offers. This advertising model, resembles that of nutra-offers. The advertiser attracts traffic to the landing page, and the user submits an application and waits for representatives of the call center to contact them. While payouts for selling real estate may seem substantial, in reality, the advertiser receives payout for a targeted call, not for a successful sale or rental deal.

Gradually, the Pay per Call model has expanded beyond real estate rental. Now it includes anything that requires a call from a call center representative.


white-hat vertical creatives

This growing vertical includes offers for tours, cruises, and everything else related to travel. Offer representatives are often small companies offering rental and service provision. Popular payout models include RevShare, CPA, and CPC.

Info Offers

white-hat vertical creatives

A vertical that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It includes offers for various courses, webinars, and other products developed by experts. The most popular courses are training or personnel preparation programs. Payout is made on a CPA or RevShare model.

Educational Offers

white-hat vertical creatives

Educational offers include language learning programs, exam preparation courses, essay and diploma preparation services. In 2024, this vertical has established itself in the market like never before. The primary target audience of the vertical is students. Popular payment models include CPL and RevShare.

With CPL model, the advertiser receives a payout after the user registers for training or after using the platform. In the case of RevShare, payout is received as a percentage of the order amount, and afterward, the user is assigned to the advertiser. If the user continues their education and pays for the course again, the advertiser will receive a new payment, even if they are no longer advertising the offer.


white-hat vertical creatives

It is the youngest vertical on the market. It includes offers for finding employees, in other words, vacancies. Payouts are credited for successful applications or employment. Payouts to the webmaster are made for the application submitted or for the direct employment.

The vertical mostly includes offers for vacancies that do not require specific skills. But recently, offers for finding IT specialists have been appearing on the market.


Push.House advertisers can effectively promote offers from white-hat verticals through our advertising network. Sometimes, achieving desired results is simply a matter of quality creativity and a reliable offer. Considering the characteristics of each of the verticals we discussed above, stable profit can be achieved by advertising fully legal offers that guarantee potential users benefits from their use.

Test, try new approaches, and achieve your marketing goals together with Push.House.

Best of luck!


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