8 August 2024

Mainstream Dating in Affiliate Marketing: Significance and Examples

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We continue to explore the verticals that Push.House partners can efficiently leverage through our ad network to achieve their marketing goals. Next, we delve into the timeless and evergreen niche of dating – mainstream dating. We’ll discuss what the dating offer vertical entails, its unique features, the payment models it includes, and the promotional strategies for mainstream dating offers that are popular among Push.House advertisers.

Let’s get started!

What is Mainstream Dating in Affiliate Marketing?

Basic Concepts and Terms

Mainstream dating refers to popular online dating offers targeting a broad audience. In affiliate marketing, mainstream dating means driving users to popular dating sites like Tinder, Badoo, and others. In this context, “mainstream dating” signifies a widely accessible and popular way to meet new people. Advertisers use mainstream dating offers to attract high-quality traffic and generate revenue. Currently, the mainstream dating vertical is popular across all GEOs and Tiers.

History and Development of Mainstream Dating

Mainstream dating started gaining traction with the advent of the internet and mobile applications. The first dating websites appeared in the 90s, but the real boom started with the launch of mobile apps in the early 2010s. As mainstream dating became accessible to the masses, it opened new opportunities for affiliates. Platforms began offering affiliate programs, enabling advertisers to earn by bringing in users. Technologies like machine learning algorithms and big data have also played a crucial role in the growth of mainstream dating.

Significance for Affiliates

Mainstream dating holds significant value for affiliates. Firstly, it’s a vast market with high competition, enabling advertisers to select the best offers and collaborate with proven partners to achieve desired conversion rates and maximum profit. Secondly, mainstream dating attracts a diverse audience, increasing the potential for targeting and segmenting traffic. Finally, mainstream dating provides advertisers with stable and high income, as users are willing to pay for quality services, and the demand for mainstream dating offers remains one of the most stable in the market.

Types of Dating Offers in Affiliate Marketing

Mainstream Dating

Mainstream dating is a key type of dating offer in affiliate marketing. It includes popular sites and apps like Tinder, Badoo, and other well-known platforms aimed at a broad audience. This type of dating attracts a large number of users, making it appealing to advertisers with any budget. By focusing on mainstream dating, advertisers can expect high conversion rates and steady income.

Niche Dating Offers

Besides mainstream dating, there are niche dating offers. These are targeted at specific user groups, such as people with common interests, religious beliefs, or age preferences. Although niche offers may attract a smaller audience than mainstream dating, they often yield higher conversion rates due to precise targeting.

Adult Dating Offers

Another important category of dating offers is adult dating. These offers are aimed at adults seeking casual relationships or encounters. Unlike mainstream dating, adult dating focuses on quick and easy access to meetups and the likelihood of forming sexual relationships without commitments. Despite the higher risk, these offers can generate significant revenue for affiliates.

Mobile Dating Offers

With the advancement of mobile technologies, mobile dating offers have become a significant category on their own. Mainstream dating heavily relies on mobile apps, offering users a convenient way to connect via their smartphones. Mobile dating offers enable advertisers to reach a broad audience that prefers using mobile devices for online dating. Mainstream dating apps ensures high user engagement and consistently high conversion rates.

Fraud Dating Offers

In affiliate marketing, there are also fraud dating offers. These offers are created by scammers with the intent to deceive users. Although mainstream dating is rarely associated with such offers, it is crucial for advertisers to verify the legitimacy of offers and work only with reliable affiliate programs to avoid negative consequences.

Payment Models for Mainstream Dating

Popular Payment Models

There are several payment options in mainstream dating. Site owners experiment with platform functionalities, providing users with new ways to interact with potential partners. This allows advertisers to choose the payment model for mainstream dating offers that seems most profitable to them. Currently, the following payment models for mainstream dating offers are widely recognized:

CPA (Cost Per Action)

The CPA model is one of the most common in mainstream dating. Advertisers are paid for each user action, such as registration or completing a profile on the dating site. Mainstream dating offers often use CPA models because they allow for precise measurement of advertising campaign effectiveness.

CPL (Cost Per Lead)

The CPL model, derived from CPA, involves payment for each potential client who leaves their contact information. In mainstream dating, this could be a registration on the site or app. The CPL model is advantageous for advertisers as they receive payment for each new user, regardless of their subsequent actions.

Revenue Share Models

The Revenue Share model involves sharing the revenue between the advertiser and the affiliate program. In mainstream dating, this means that the advertiser earns a percentage of the revenue generated by the user they referred through subscriptions or in-app purchases. These models can be lucrative in the long term as advertisers earn from recurring users.

Traffic Sources for Mainstream Dating

When it comes to traffic sources for mainstream dating offers, the options are quite standard. Currently, the niche can be effectively promoted through the following channels:

Social Media

Social media is one of the primary traffic sources for mainstream dating offers. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok give advertisers access to a vast audience and the ability to quickly spread advertising offers to millions. Mainstream dating ad campaigns on social networks also allow for targeting users based on interests, demographics, and behaviors, significantly increasing the chances of high conversion rates.

Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising (e.g., Google Ads, Bing Ads, Yandex Display Network) also plays a crucial role in driving traffic for mainstream dating offers. These platforms allow ads to be displayed to users actively searching for online dating. Contextual advertising for mainstream dating can be highly effective due to the high intent level of the users.

Video Advertising and In-App Advertising

Video advertising on platforms like YouTube and TikTok is another vital traffic source for mainstream dating. Video content captures users’ attention and showcases the advantages of dating sites more vividly. Mainstream dating video ads can include app reviews, user success stories, and other attention-grabbing elements.

Push Networks

Push notifications and pop-up ads are also effective traffic sources for mainstream dating. Push notifications send messages directly to users’ devices, prompting them to register or engage with the services. Pop-ups that appear on users’ screens capture attention and can lead to high conversions. Mainstream dating offers often use these methods to increase the number of registrations and user interactions.

Best Traffic Sources for Mainstream Dating Offers

Comparing Popular Sources

Successful promotion of mainstream dating in affiliate marketing involves using a variety of traffic sources. The primary sources include social media, contextual advertising, video ads, in-app ads, push notifications, and pop-up ads. Each of these sources has unique features and can be leveraged to attract the target audience to mainstream dating platforms.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Social Media

Social media offers broad reach and detailed targeting capabilities. Advantages include high user engagement and the ability to create visually appealing creatives. However, competition on social media can be intense, and advertising costs can be significant.

Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising allows ads to be shown to users actively searching for dating options. Benefits include precise targeting and the ability to attract high-intent users. The downside is the high cost-per-click in competitive niches. Contextual advertising for mainstream dating can yield good results due to accurate targeting.

Video Advertising

Video advertising is a powerful tool for attracting users to mainstream dating. Advantages include high engagement and the use of visual and audio elements. However, the downside is the high cost of producing quality content.

Push Notifications

Push notifications send messages directly to users’ devices. Advantages include high visibility and immediate attention-grabbing. A drawback is that users must subscribe to receive notifications.

Pop-Up Advertising

Pop-up ads capture users’ attention by appearing on their screens while browsing web pages. Benefits include high visibility and the potential for quick conversions. However, drawbacks include user annoyance and the risk of ad blocking.

Recommendations for Choosing

When choosing traffic sources for mainstream dating, consider campaign goals, budget, and the target audience’s characteristics. Social media and video advertising can be effective for attracting active and visually-oriented users. Contextual advertising suits targeting high-intent users. Push notifications and pop-up ads can be used for quickly grabbing attention and boosting conversions.

A comprehensive approach to choosing traffic sources is essential for mainstream dating. Combining different channels and ad formats can significantly enhance campaign effectiveness and ensure a steady flow of new users. Analyzing results and optimizing strategies will help achieve the best outcomes in promoting mainstream dating.


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Best GEOs for Mainstream Dating in 2024

Top Countries and Regions for Promotion

Mainstream dating is thriving in many countries and regions. In 2024, the top GEOs for promoting mainstream dating will be India, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany. These countries have high internet coverage and a significant number of users interested in online dating. In these regions, mainstream dating garners considerable attention due to high trust in online services and users’ willingness to invest in premium subscriptions.

Competition Analysis by GEO

Competition in the mainstream dating sector varies by region. In the US and the UK, competition is very high, with many companies vying for users’ attention. Promoting mainstream dating in these countries requires larger marketing investments and well-thought-out strategies. Conversely, countries like Canada and Australia offer excellent opportunities with moderate competition. Germany also shows growing popularity for mainstream dating, making this market promising, though it requires thorough competitor analysis and localization efforts.

Features of Localizing Creatives for Mainstream Dating

Successfully promoting mainstream dating requires careful localization of creatives. Each country has its own cultural nuances and preferences that must be considered when designing advertising materials. In the US and the UK, mainstream dating creatives should be direct, featuring bold images and emotional headlines to capture attention. In Germany, users prefer more informative and structured creatives. In Australia and Canada, effective creatives often highlight ease of use and the safety of online dating.

Mainstream dating also requires adapting text and visual elements to the audience’s linguistic and cultural preferences. Localized creatives enhance user trust and improve conversion rates. Therefore, successful mainstream dating promotion in 2024 depends on strategic GEO selection, competitor analysis, and proper localization of advertising materials.

Examples of Creatives for Mainstream Dating Push Notifications

Successful Examples of Creatives

To effectively promote mainstream dating through push notifications, it’s essential to use creatives that grab attention and motivate users to act.  Here are some successful examples of creatives:

Tips for Creating Effective Push Notification Creatives

To create effective mainstream dating push notification creatives, consider the following key aspects:

1. Bright and Attractive Headlines: The headline should be short but impactful. It must grab attention and entice users to click on the notification. Use words like “find,” “meet,” “register” to spark interest and motivation.

2. Personalization: Incorporate personalization elements into the notification text. For example, using the user’s name or mentioning their preferences can significantly boost conversion rates.

3. Clear and Specific Calls to Action (CTA): The CTA should be clear and compelling. Use phrases like “Start Now,” “Join Us,” “Register for Free” to guide users toward the desired action.

4. High-Quality Images: Images should be high quality and relevant to the content. Photos of happy couples, friends, or romantic moments can help create the desired emotional tone.

5. Testing and Optimization: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different creative variations. Test various headlines, texts, and images to determine which combinations work best for your audience.

Mainstream dating push notifications should be vibrant, emotional, and engaging. Utilizing the above tips will help create creatives that attract user attention and drive action.

Effective Landing Page for Mainstream Dating

Lead Collection and Qualification

An effective landing page for a mainstream dating offer should begin with a clear lead collection strategy.  It’s important to design a registration form that is simple and user-friendly. Mainstream dating should require minimal information for initial registration to avoid deterring potential users.

Lead qualification involves filtering and segmenting leads based on key parameters like age, interests, and geographic location. This enables directing users to appropriate pages and offers, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

User Engagement and Interaction

After collecting leads, the next crucial step is engaging and interacting with users. Mainstream dating landing pages should feature attractive and informative elements. These elements help build trust and motivate users to take further actions. Interactive features like surveys and quizzes can also boost user engagement. A key aspect is using clear and persuasive calls to action (CTAs) to guide users to the next step, such as filling out a profile or starting a conversation.

Conversion and Customer Retention

For the success of mainstream dating, not only the initial conversion is important but also customer retention. The landing page should feature offers and promotions that encourage users to purchase premium subscriptions or additional services. etention rates can be increased with personalized offers and regular notifications about new features or events. Incorporating gamification elements on mainstream dating landing pages can maintain user interest and encourage active participation.

An effective landing page for mainstream dating must be carefully planned and optimized at every stage of user interaction. Lead collection, qualification, interaction, engagement, conversion, and customer retention all play key roles in the success of affiliate campaigns.

How to Attract Traffic to Mainstream Dating Using Push Notifications in Push.House

What is Mainstream Dating Traffic?

Mainstream dating refers to popular and widely used dating sites that attract a large number of users across various age and interest groups. These sites offer a wide range of services for convenient partner search, from simple communication to serious relationships. Advertisers often use these sites to attract large amounts of traffic and generate high revenues.

Step-by-Step Guide

To effectively attract mainstream dating traffic to dating sites using push notifications in Push.House, follow these simple steps:

1. Registration and Campaign Setup

Log into your Push.House account and create a new campaign. Choose a necessary format and optimal targeting settings for mainstream dating, considering subscription age and the GEO of your target audience. This will allow notifications to be delivered as accurately as possible to the proper users.

2. Creating Attractive Creatives

Develop attractive and memorable creatives for notifications. Include catchy headlines and enticing texts highlighting the benefits of your mainstream dating site. Use keywords and phrases like “new meetings,” “free registration,” and “best offers” to attract users’ attention.

3. Testing and Optimization

Launch the campaign and regularly test the creatives and settings. Evaluate the effectiveness of different notification variants and make adjustments to improve conversion. Achieving the best performance in mainstream dating requires constant analysis of results and adaptation of strategies.

4. Monitoring and Analysis

Monitor campaign success metrics, such as CTR (click-through rate), conversion, and ROI (return on investment). Use the data to optimize expenses and maximize profit from mainstream dating traffic.

Attracting traffic to mainstream dating sites using Push.House push notifications requires a systematic approach and careful campaign setup. By following these steps, you can effectively use this channel to achieve your mainstream dating marketing goals. You can find a detailed launch guide at the link.

Strategies for Scaling Campaigns in Mainstream Dating

Effective Scaling Methods

Scaling campaigns in mainstream dating is essential for achieving great results and maximizing profits. One effective method is expanding geographic reach and incorporating feeds. Expanding your audience lets you reach more potential users interested in dating. Thorough data analysis is crucial to identifying promising markets and optimizing targeting. Experimenting with various traffic sources can also help expand mainstream dating campaigns.

Campaign Analysis and Adjustment

Monitoring and analyzing results are integral to successfully scaling mainstream dating campaigns. Regularly tracking key metrics like conversion rates, CTR, and ROI helps identify effective and ineffective strategies. Adapting campaigns based on data allows for optimizing expenses and achieving maximum efficiency. It’s important to consider changes in user behavior and market competition to respond promptly and adjust campaigns accordingly.

Automation Tools

Using automation tools like micro-bidding and automatic rules significantly simplifies the process of scaling mainstream dating campaigns. Micro-bidding optimizes bids at the level of individual platforms, enhancing the efficiency of advertising campaigns. Automatic rules automate monitoring and optimization processes, freeing up time for strategic analysis and development. Utilizing these tools helps successfully scale and manage mainstream dating campaigns, achieving better results and optimal performance.

Prospects for the Development of Mainstream Dating

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have long been used to improve matchmaking processes and personalize user experiences. Facial and voice recognition technologies help enhance user authentication and security. The implementation of VR and AR technologies may soon transform the perception of online dating.

Opportunities for Affiliates

Affiliates have excellent opportunities in mainstream dating due to its high conversion rates and stable demand. They can use diverse targeting strategies and technologies to scale their campaigns. The ability to work with a global audience and choose from various payment models, such as CPA and CPL, makes mainstream dating an attractive direction for earning.


Mainstream dating continues to be one of the most dynamic segments in the online dating industry. Future forecasts predict an increase in the number of users and demand for these platforms. It’s important to note that mainstream dating appeals to both young audiences and more mature individuals. By finding a quality mainstream dating offer and creating content that matches your potential audience’s characteristics, you can achieve consistently high performance with minimal budget expenditure. Don’t be afraid to experiment with approaches, test different headline options, and see the results for yourself.

Best of luck!


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