21 December 2023

New Year Affiliate Marketing

There’s less time left until the New Year. To secure profits before the year ends, it’s worth starting preparations now. Like any other major international holiday, launching advertising campaigns during this period has specific nuances that can impact the final outcome. This time, we’ll discuss how to leverage the New Year buzz to its fullest and attain maximum profits.

New Year as an Informational Trigger

For many, New Year is the main holiday of the year. Regardless of the location, New Year and Christmas bring millions of people together worldwide. And what’s the highlight of these festivities? Right, gifts!

User activity and purchasing power surge during the holiday season, surpassing even the figures of some countries’ most significant online sales events. The pleasant Christmas hustle positively affects the rise in traffic across most online markets, prompting users to explore various product categories and offers to delight loved ones or fulfill personal desires.

When to Launch Advertising Campaigns

Briefly, right now. Experienced marketers know that in internet marketing, the New Year begins long before the first Christmas tree appears in your city.

Some successfully ride the wave of New Year traffic from late November and continue until March! A lot depends on the region for promotion and the offer itself. The advertiser’s task is to present users with advantageous gifting solutions or, unsurprisingly, profit opportunities.

New Year in Different Countries

In most locations, New Year’s Eve and Christmas are celebrated on December 31st and December 24th, respectively. To have a maximally optimized setup by the final week, starting now is essential, or even better, being active from the beginning of the month.

In many European countries, the USA, Latin America, and Indonesia, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. However, halting campaigns immediately afterward isn’t advisable. A significant number of leads and deposits may continue even after 2 weeks.

India tops the list for the number of New Year celebrations. They bid farewell to the year 7 times, but the main celebration is January 13-14. Mexico stands out, too, where they’re accustomed to celebrating for an entire month.

Remember that in some CIS countries, Christmas doesn’t fall at the end of December but on January 7th.

Interestingly, the demand for most verticals stays the same after the official holidays. Users spend more time at home and frequently use PCs and mobile devices. Despite gifts already being bought and given, the abundance of free time positively influences increased audience interaction with ad content, seeking exciting ways to spend leisure time.

Which Verticals to Advertise

In December, equal success can be achieved by advertising nearly any vertical. Much will depend on the chosen approach and your personal creative skills. Remember everything associated with the New Year and don’t forget about promotions, bonuses, and gifts.

The most popular niches during the holiday period include:

  • E-commerce: Electronics, clothing, toys, household goods, and other consumer products.
  • Nutra: Demand for beauty and health products significantly increases during the New Year and pre-New Year period. Many want to leave their “aches” and health issues behind in the passing year and actively engage with ads promising relief from persistent problems.
  • Gambling and Betting: Gambling verticals remain equally popular regardless of the time of year, but users tend to spend more time at home during the New Year holidays. Who wouldn’t want to combine pleasure with profit and gain real profit from gaming?
  • Finance: The finance vertical particularly thrives in the pre-New Year days. Offers from credit cards and microfinance organizations enjoy high demand among the population planning major purchases and seeking loans for the holiday period.
  • Sweepstakes: The New Year period is an effective time to advertise sweepstakes niches due to the abundance of holiday-themed, no-loss lotteries.

In creatives, you can equally effectively use both classic approaches and those stylized for New Year and Christmas. Despite the primary sales of the year already passing, the peak activity of CPA marketing falls precisely in December and early January. Statistics indicate that for advertisers, the New Year has already begun. It’s time to unleash sticker packs with red hats, personalize creatives, optimize New Year’s setups, and leverage the holiday buzz to the fullest.

Even though some verticals lack physical analogs, demand for their offers significantly increases. Festive weekends become brighter when you can entertain yourself and gain real profits from enjoyable pastimes. Many affiliate programs launch special promotions, jackpots, free spins, and other activities during Christmas. Using advertisements with Christmas-themed designs creates a festive atmosphere in creatives, prompting users to click on ads more often.

Carefully study the offers of affiliate programs and utilize established platforms offering users additional gaming bonuses in your advertising.


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Where to Promote

Achieving the most significant profit in 2023 can be done by targeting the following GEOs:

  • Poland
  • United Kingdom
  • Turkey
  • Australia
  • India
  • Denmark
  • Thailand
  • Germany
  • Brazil
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Czech Republic
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands

This list presents only the top GEOs. With the right approach, stable profits can be achieved in other regions. Monitor the “Network Volumes” tab and base your predictions of prospective traffic volumes in GEOs on the average click prices.

Examples of New Year Creatives

Examples of creatives are taken from the free competitor ad monitoring service Spy.House. Read about what it is and how to use it in our guide.

Guide: How To Use Spy.House


New Year and Christmas are excellent triggers for boosting the final conversion rate in the passing year. Experiment with approaches and don’t hesitate to take risks in using alternative setups. To avoid losing the budget on inefficient platforms or feeds, use the novelty Push.House offers – automatic rules. Read more about this helpful tool here.

Automated Rules by Push.House

We congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and wish you to achieve all your profit and scaling goals in the New 2024! We’ll be here to help you with that!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Push.House Team.


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