Guide: How to work with Nutra Vertical in 2023
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One of the most popular niches among Push.House partners is Nutra, a vertical that has remained relevant for many years. In this article we will cover what Nutra is, what categories of offers it includes, and what approaches can be used for its promotion.
Nutra is a vertical of beauty and health products, including dietary supplements, skincare products, weight loss products, pain relief products for joints, and more. Nutra is called the “evergreen” vertical because of its relevance regardless of the season and region where promotion is planned. The wide range of offers allows for the effective promotion of health products throughout the year: anti-parasite products in winter, dietary supplements and joint pain relief products in summer, and various “enhancers.”
The main advantage of this vertical is its broad audience. Nutra is equally popular in every country or region. The question of relevance in this case pertains only to subcategories within the vertical. Increased demand for certain categories of offers in different regions is related to climate, terrain, or lifestyle peculiarities. Approaches in such cases may not differ significantly and can provide a stable conversion rate over time.
The Nutra vertical offers a wide range of products that is relevant at different times of the year. That provides advertisers with profitable offers for promotion all year-round.
Popular offer categories in the Nutra vertical include:
- Dietary Supplements – Safe biological supplements that include various vitamin complexes.
- Weight Loss Products – Capsules, tablets, and herbs. Particularly popular in spring and summer.
- Male Enhancement Products – Creams, ointments, and capsules. An all-season offering designed for men of all ages.
- Joint Pain Medications – Pain relievers and medicinal products for complex or adjunctive therapy. Popular among seniors and athletes.
- Potency Enhancers – Capsules, tablets, and suppositories. Popular among men aged 35+.
- Medicinal Products – Remedies or vitamin complexes for the treatment of heart, kidney, liver, etc.
- Cosmetic Products – Skincare and haircare products.
- Muscle Mass Gain Products – Sports nutrition with high vitamin and protein content.
Depending on the payment model of the product, three main categories of Nutra offers are distinguished:
- Cash-on-Delivery – Payment upon delivery. The most common payment model, where the user pays for the product after receiving it.
- Straight Sale – Direct sale or online payment on the website.
- Trials – Subscription payment. Users who place orders under this model receive a free or heavily discounted product sample. After providing credit card details, they subscribe to monthly delivery.
A significant portion of Nutra offers involves a follow-up call from a call center after the user places an order. When promoting beauty and health products, it is advisable to inquire about the call center’s working hours in advance and develop a promotion strategy based on the obtained data.
You can find Nutra offers in several ways:
Affiliate Network
If you already know which affiliate network you plan to collaborate with, you should study the offers they provide. You can request additional information about offers and promotion specifics from the affiliate network manager.
Spy Service
Utilize our free ad monitoring service, Spy.House, to find up-to-date Nutra offers. We have provided information on how to use it here.
With Spy.House, you can also identify the primary approaches used by your competitors and adapt the obtained data for your own use.
When choosing an offer, consider its individual characteristics. Take into account that weight loss products are most relevant in the spring season, whereas enhancers and anti-parasitic products convert well year-round.
Launch nutra offers on Push.House traffic
Target Audience
The entire target audience of the vertical can be divided into two conditional categories:
- Women aged 30+ who aspire to address health issues, extend their youth, and maintain beauty for as long as possible. Nutra offers these individuals weight loss products, rejuvenating creams, and skincare and body care products.
- Men aged 35+ who fear losing their masculinity and are willing to do anything to prevent it. Among men, offers like “enhancers,” muscle gain products, and potency treatments are particularly popular.
In terms of approaches, Nutra is considered one of the most flexible verticals. Campaigns can consistently generate high income over a long period, and the ad creatives themselves require only minor adjustments before relaunching. Advertisers can use any approaches they have developed themselves or found in a spy service.
Approaches to creating Nutra push campaigns depend on the offer’s theme and category. Currently, Push.House advertisers are effectively promoting Nutra offers through the following approaches:
Clickbait Approach
Clickbait push ads consist of information indirectly hinting at the potential benefit of using the offer. Users click on the notification not because they are interested in the product itself, but because they see a reflection of their own problems in the ad design.
When creating clickbait push creatives, consider the following parameters:
1. Images of food products: Any common food items (fruits, eggs, salt, etc.) that can hint at accessibility and simplicity of use or provoke clicks due to their exotic nature (chia, avocado, etc.).
2. Physical exercises: Any focus on physical exercises. The Nutra vertical audience wants to see quick results with minimal expenses. Use an approach that combines various physical exercises with product usage, and remember that the simpler the exercises, the higher the chances of ad clicks.
3. Secret treatment methods: Mystery always attracts attention. This approach implies some level of secrecy, which can positively impact the final conversion rate.
4. Healthy eating: A significant portion of Nutra offers are aimed at promoting a healthy diet. Therefore, an approach emphasizing a healthy lifestyle can deliver stable conversions over an extended period.
5. Natural remedies: Specific treatment methods that provoke users to click due to the uniqueness of the recipe. In countries with poor healthcare systems, most residents actively use natural remedies to treat various illnesses, so they have a higher level of trust in such creatives.
6. Shocking images: Unpleasant and even repulsive images of disease consequences attract the audience’s attention due to fear of potential threats. This approach is particularly popular for offers related to anti-parasitic products or fungal treatment.
Medical Approach
An approach using images of a doctor or specialist in a white coat. This approach increases expertise and generates higher trust levels from the audience.
Product Approach
Featuring the product in the creative. This approach is used less frequently because it’s straightforward. The product approach can, in some cases, convert much better than other approaches because the user already knows what the landing page will be about.
In some cases, advertisers do not necessarily need to use actual images of the offer. Sometimes, it’s sufficient to specify the product form factor (tablets, pills, cream, ointment, suppositories, etc.).
A classic and one of the most popular approaches for creating Nutra creatives. When choosing this approach, you need to demonstrate the benefits of using the offer by showing images of before and after using the product.
Consequence Approach
Symptoms and consequences of untreated diseases. This approach works well with clickable shocking headlines. The consequences can include not only physical changes or deformities but also factors such as a lack of sexual partners, loss of interest from the opposite sex, etc.
News Approach
An approach presented in the form of news. Any sensational “discoveries” and claims like “what doctors kept silent about for so long.” Given that a significant portion of the Nutra offer audience is aged 35+, this approach converts well due to the high level of trust in the media among this demographic.
Types of Landing Pages
An essential element of the Nutra offer combination is the landing page. This is where the main audience warming-up and introduction to the offer occur. Depending on the offer category, the combination may include both pre-landers and landing pages with pre-sales. Currently, three of the most popular launching methods using landing pages can be identified:
Landing Page
A landing page is a standalone website with an advertising offer and an order form. Nutra offers can be promoted directly to a landing page, bypassing the pre-landing stage. In this case, after clicking, the user is taken directly to the landing page where they familiarize themselves with the product information and place an order.
Launching on a landing page is suitable for offers that the audience may already be familiar with from other news sources and in cases where the advertiser needs to shorten the user’s path to the desired action by creating a sense of urgency in the ad offer.
Pre-Landing → Landing Page
A pre-landing is a transitional page where initial audience warming-up occurs by creating a story closely related to the product. When combined with a landing page, a pre-lander can motivate the user in advance to take the desired action and prepare them for transitioning to the main landing page.
This approach is suitable for offers that require demonstrating product use to overcome objections.
Pre-Landing with an Order Form
One of the most popular methods for attracting users in recent times. It differs in that the order process takes place directly on the pre-landing page after the user becomes familiar with the story. This approach allows shortening the funnel and avoiding potential traffic loss when transitioning to the landing page.
The success of the entire advertising campaign depends on how well the pre-landing page is prepared. Quality landing pages can maintain the audience’s attention as they get to know the offer. To capture the user’s interest, advertisers use various approaches in creating landing pages:
Blog and Personal Experience
An article about the benefits of using the product and a happy recovery journey. Typically, the article describes the advantages the author gained after using the offer and how much their life has changed since then. Additional warming-up is achieved through comments and reviews from other users.
A pre-landing stylized as real or fictitious media outlets. It usually contains some kind of discovery or sensation, creating a sense of uniqueness for the offer.
Scientific Article
Essentially, the same as the news approach, but presented in the format of a study published on a thematic website. It typically includes statistical data and a dialogue with an expert (doctor).
Folk Remedies
A pre-landing that tells the story of a specific problem and its folk treatment method. As a result of the story, the author shares treatment recommendations and offers an alternative solution in the form of the offer.
TV Show
A pre-landing customized to a specific program or show popular in a particular region. The hosts or opinion leaders act as experts in this case.
An online chat with a specialist. Presented in the form of a conversation where the user is asked to answer questions from an expert specializing in a specific issue. The dialogue follows pre-written scripts and leads to the offer.
Among advertisers who choose Push.House as their primary source of traffic, Nutra offers are particularly popular. Thanks to the potential for a wide audience reach, our partners can effectively promote health-related offers throughout the year. To achieve maximum profit from promoting Nutra offers, do not be afraid to experiment and try various approaches.