Update from Push.House: Templates in Campaign Groups
Hello! This is Push.House.
We understand how crucial convenience and efficiency are in your work, which is why we strive to regularly enhance the functionality of the Push.House advertising network. Our latest improvement focuses on the campaign optimization process. There are times when an advertiser needs to make adjustments to the settings of multiple ad campaigns, each of which requires separate configuration. To save your time and to optimize such processes, we’ve introduced a unique feature: the ability to create templates for groups of advertising campaigns.
The Purpose of Templates in Campaign Groups
Templates empower advertisers to make changes across campaign groups. There’s no longer a need to edit and optimize every single campaign separately. After creating templates with preset parameters, an advertiser can apply settings to an entire group of campaigns with just one click. This function proves beneficial when adjustments are needed in the following parameters:
- GEO: Changing the target promotion region.
- Targeting Settings: Device type and model, browser, language, subscription age.
- Audiences: If necessary, advertisers can select specific audiences. By the way, we recently released another update related to audiences – the pixel for audience data collection. You can learn about what a pixel is and how to install it in the article in our blog.
- Bidding: Adjusting the desired bid.
- General and Daily Budget: Modifying budget amounts.
- Display Schedule: Altering time and days of the week of display.
- Landing Page: Replacing the landing page for a group of ad campaigns.
Thanks to templates, there’s no need to change the settings of each ad campaign individually. Simply create and save a template with the necessary advertising settings and apply it to the campaign group. Templates save a significant amount of time and allow for careful control of ad campaign settings without fear of making a mistake.
Furthermore, templates created earlier can be used when creating new ad campaigns or when optimization is needed.
How to Create Templates for Campaign Groups
To create a template, go to your Push.House account and click Campaign Groups in the menu.
In the opened menu, click + Create Group.
Before proceeding with the adjustment of the campaign group, specify the group’s name and select the desired advertising format (classic push notifications or InPage).
If necessary, and if you already know which campaigns the future template will be applied to within the group, specify the campaigns in the corresponding field and click Create.
Launch you advertising campaigns in Push.House
After creating, the group will appear in the overall list. To create a template, click on the corresponding icon on the right side of the screen.
Upon clicking, the system will redirect you to the template creation menu.
The template creation process is no different from the standard setup of an advertising campaign. You can read about how to create and launch an advertising campaign in Push.House in our guide.
Mandatory fields are marked (*). After filling in all the necessary fields, click Save Template or immediately apply the changes to the advertising campaigns included in the previously created group.
You can also apply a template for ad groups when creating new advertising campaigns. You can proceed to create a new campaign and apply the previously created template by clicking on the corresponding icon on the right side of the screen.
To do this, specify the necessary template in the campaign settings (Group section) and click Apply Template.
Push.House is committed to making the promotion processes for our partners as simple and convenient as possible. Make use of campaign group templates and free yourself from manually adjusting every single advertising campaign. Use your time wisely and achieve maximum profit from your advertising!
Yours sincerely,
Push.House Team.
Good luck!