Setup on Push.House: What It Is, How to Choose and Test
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Before diving into setting up and launching your ad campaign, advertisers need to determine their setup and approach. The quality of setup preparation and subsequent testing directly impacts the ad campaign’s success and the availability of potential optimization elements. In this article, we’ll delve into the algorithm for selecting and testing a setup for launch on Push.House, as well as share a few practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of your entire advertising.
What is a setup?
Let’s recall what it includes before we get into the algorithm for selecting and testing a setup. A setup combines all the most essential elements of an effective ad campaign. The setup comprises:
- Offer
- Landing page
- Targeting settings
- Creatives and headlines
Changing all setup elements in order to find the most effective one is called searching and testing. The quality of testing directly affects the overall prospects of the advertising and, thus, the success of your ad campaign.
During the setup testing phase, you can assess the offer’s relevance in specific regions, evaluate the effectiveness of future advertising, and identify the most profitable approach for long-term stability. Previously, we’ve emphasized the importance of the testing phase for advertisers and the risks associated with skipping it. Remember, the goal of testing is to check various approaches in a specific region and preliminarily optimize the entire promotion to minimize undesirable losses of the ad budget.
Algorithm for setup search and testing
Unfortunately, no single algorithm for setup search and testing fits all affiliate marketing verticals. Much will depend on the type of offer and the peculiarities of the region where the promotion is planned. For example, some setup elements allow for greater profit when promoting specific verticals but bring absolutely no benefit when promoting others. To demonstrate an approximate algorithm for selecting and testing a setup, let’s go through each element step by step:
1. Offer
The offer serves as the cornerstone of the entire ad campaign. Forecasting hypotheses and selecting all setup elements are based on the offer and the vertical it belongs to.
You can find an offer through various methods, the most popular of which currently are:
· Affiliate network
Reach out to your affiliate network for a list of top offers. Some advertisers successfully promote offers from affiliate networks whose offers have proven effective in previous advertising experiences. Thus, to find a new offer and start promoting it, request a selection of top offers from your affiliate network manager that are currently popular on the market. Then, choose the one that best aligns with your marketing goals from the list.
· Case studies
You can find a quality offer within case studies regularly published on popular affiliate marketing media. Of course, whether to trust the metrics presented there is up to you. However, practice shows that finding a compelling offer capable of bringing stable profit is more than real.
· Spy services
Searching for offers through competitor ad monitoring apps is not the most obvious method, but it’s one of the most effective ways to find current offers. You can always use our free ad monitoring service, Spy.House, to find offers. If you haven’t used it before, we’ll leave a link to a detailed guide on how to use it. Dive in and make use of it!
All the methods listed above are equally effective in searching for a new offer, both for experienced advertisers and for those who are just starting their journey in CPA marketing. An important note here is that beginners should focus less on payouts and more on the promotion requirements provided by the affiliate network. Offers with high payouts are usually more challenging to promote than those with lower payouts for successful actions. Focusing on offers with lower payouts initially allows you to gain experience faster, understand the nuances of promoting different verticals, and eventually increase your earnings.
2. Landing Page
The decision to promote directly to landing pages or not depends directly on the chosen offer. Some popular verticals in the market involve direct promotion to landing pages, which frees the advertiser from using pre-landers. However, testing different promotion methods is essential to achieve the best results.
Usually, the affiliate network offering the promotion provides several options for landing pages of various types. The advertiser must choose the ones that best fit the chosen approach and test each one. We’ve detailed how to do this in our article on split testing.
Another effective method for selecting a landing page is using a spy service. Earlier, we mentioned that the service can be used to find current market offers, but its capabilities don’t end there. On Spy.House, you can find competitors’ landing pages used to promote a specific offer and examine most elements of their setup: GEO, creatives, headlines, etc.
Unlike creatives, the landing page does not need to be modified to make it unique. Simply copy the found page and provide a screenshot to your affiliate network manager, asking them to provide the landing page for your ad campaigns.
3. Targeting Settings
The targeting settings of your setup include all elements directing your ad campaign’s notification to a specific user’s device. To maximize engagement and increase the frequency of target actions, targeting should be adjusted based on the characteristics of the potential offer’s target audience.
Like any other element of your future setup, targeting settings need to be tested. Some affiliate networks may provide general targeting recommendations, and you can experiment with the information received to find the most profitable setup.
4. Creatives and Headlines
When discussing creatives and headlines within the setup, it’s essential to understand that they primarily contribute to the overall approach. Approaches can vary not only within verticals but also within specific offers. In our blog articles, we’ve explicitly described which approaches are popular for promoting different verticals**.** If you missed them, be sure to check them out.
To find the most effective approach that will maximize profits from promotion, use Spy.House. Find competitors’ creatives by keywords or sort the results by verticals and GEOs. Evaluating launched ad campaigns will help identify a set of elements influencing potential profit from promotion and will help achieve your marketing goals.
Remember that Push.House settings enable you to launch multiple ad creatives per campaign. We recommend testing several different approaches within multiple campaigns. This way, the subsequent analysis and optimization process will be more accurate.
Recommendations for selecting and testing a setup on Push.House
· Set testing deadlines
Establishing unified testing deadlines or a general testing algorithm is not feasible. Much will depend on the chosen promotion region and the peculiarities of the offer itself. The average testing and subsequent optimization period ranges from several days to two weeks.
· Avoid copying competitor’s setups
A spy service is a useful tool for advertisers. However, it should only be used for familiarization or inspiration. Fully copying a competitor’s setup will lead to budget loss.
· Conduct audience analysis
A preliminary analysis of your offer’s target audience will help prepare the most effective action plan, eventually leading to profit. Any information about the target audience can be helpful in selecting the setup: from the audience’s payment ability to national holidays in the selected region.
Approach the selection and testing of the setup responsibly to achieve your goals with Push.House. To maximize profit, conduct a preliminary analysis of the target audience, keep in touch with affiliate network managers more often, and use our free service, Spy.House. Remember to subscribe to our blog to stay updated on current events in the CPA market and the latest developments in our ad network.
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